Physical Therapy Billing Services

Physical Therapy Billing Services can be more challenging than billing for other specialties due to the intricate nature of physical therapy medical codes.

Various factors often lead to claim denials in physical therapy, with the most significant one being the “medical necessity” of the services provided. Additionally, hiring an in-house biller can be both costly and time-consuming.

Timely billing, prompt follow-up, and successful account reimbursement directly depend on the revenue generated from our physical therapy services. In the realm of medical services, medical service providers must make one of the most critical decisions by choosing a high-quality medical billing services company.

Billing for physical therapy services can be more challenging than billing for other specialties due to the intricate nature of physical therapy medical codes. Therefore, it is essential to have well-experienced physical therapy coders who possess a deep understanding of cardiovascular terminologies, coding, and billing.

Physical Therapy Billing Services Expertise
Days Turnaround
Reduction in A/R
0 %
Collection Ratios
0 %
Revenue Increase
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Our Physical Therapy Billing Services

Our Physical practice billing and coding services involves a number of crucial duties and responsibilities meant to guarantee financial management.

01 Billing Services

Patient Registration:

To reduce inaccuracies in billing and claims processing, we precisely gather and validate patient data.

02 Billing Services

Insurance Verification:

To avoid claim denials and payment delays, we verify the patient's insurance coverage twice.

03 Billing Services

Coding and documentation:

To ensure correct billing and optimum compensation, our team of highly qualified coders reviews medical records to ensure precise coding.

04 Billing Services

Submission of Claims:

We electronically submit clear, error-free claims, which expedites payment processing and lowers the number of claims that are denied.

05 Billing Services

Denial Management:

In order to maximize reimbursement, our staff carefully examines rejected claims, determining the underlying reasons and filing an appeal.

Our Free Additional Services

Terms & Conditions Apply

We assist you in physical therapy medical billing and coding by providing some more extra services free of cost. These are:

Authorization Services

We manage the necessary authorizations to ensure that your pts billing therapy procedures are covered, reducing administrative hassles for your practice.

Eligibility Verification

We confirm patient's eligibility for insurance coverage, allowing you to easily verify benefits and streamline your billing processes. This helps reduce the risk of claim denials.

Benefits Verification

We verify and confirm the benefits available to your patients, ensuring you are aware of what's covered and what's not. This aids in preventing additional costs for your patients.

Challenges in Billing for Physical Therapy

Physical therapy billing relies heavily on proper paperwork that is prepared before, during, and after a patient’s appointment. The billing team carefully goes over each and every invoice along with the costs of the services provided. 

Errors such as leaving out patient information or neglecting to confirm the patient’s eligibility in advance might lead to a claim being rejected. Moreover, failure to understand the deadlines and preferences of insurance companies might lead to improper revenue management.

Physical Therapy Billing Services Achieving
Billing physical therapists clinics requires a deep comprehension of the services provided by medical practitioners. An estimated 35% of billing claims for physical therapy contain errors, while 25% of medical claims are rejected. Such high denial rates could lower your income and have a detrimental effect on patient care.

How We Work For You?

Our first goal is to maximize income by resolving and reducing claim denials.

We verify patient coverage for physical therapy services.

Facilitating efficient care coordination, we streamline the referral process.

To secure proper reimbursement, we offer precise coding for physical therapy services.

Ensuring accuracy and completeness, we conduct thorough reviews of claims.

We promise prompt payment collection and careful monitoring.

Our utilization of software results in the creation of customized and informative financial reports.

Before performing physical therapy procedures, we obtain the necessary approvals.

Benefits of Our Physical Therapy Billing and Coding Service

We are a leading billing partner in this field for the following main reasons:

Customizing Prices to Meet Your Needs

We customize price plans to match the unique requirements of our customers, making sure you only pay for the services you really need. This strategy lowers the cost and increases the effectiveness of our services.

Efficient RCM Facilities

It takes more than simply psychiatric visits and counseling sessions to manage the revenue cycle for a physical therapy center. To guarantee strong revenue cycle management (RCM), a committed group of specialists is required.

Enhancing Credentialing at the Facility

In order to obtain the fastest and largest payment possible, we strive to supervise every stage of the procedure.

Keeping Data

To protect the confidentiality and integrity of your data, we place a high priority on data security and implement strict measures. Our staff members only have restricted access to your files and folders because we use secure FTP servers. You may be confident that we constantly uphold the security of your information because we are an ISO-certified business.

Active Billing and Analysis in Physical Therapy:

In order to appropriately assign physical therapy codes and confirm the services rendered, our active medical billing team for physical therapy carefully examines each patient’s file, including the transcription made by the physician, diagnostic test reports, imaging reports, and other sources.

Why Choose us for Physical Therapy Medical Billing Services

Billing physical therapy services we are your dependable medical billing partner.

Physical Therapy Billing Services Choose Us

 We’ve solved physical therapy billing so you can spend more time providing care and your patients receive the proper care.While our quick verification of benefits (VOBs) reduces needless patient admission delays, our proficiency with accurate coding speeds up claim approvals and maximizes payments.

We put forth endless effort to guarantee that you receive the proper payment through persistent collections, which improves your cash flow. Pre-authorized treatment days have increased by about 50% in our system, which leads to more successful recovery and higher care quality.

Don't wait! Schedule an appointment

Our professional physical therapy billing company ensures accurate billing and coding for on-time and maximum reimbursement.
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